Humans and Technology

How do different social and cultural realms incorporate technology in their lives? How can we construct soft- and hardware to enrich cultural and educative processes?

From Big Data to Microcontrollers

My interest in tech is manifold: On the one hand, I am fascinated by how we can enrich our daily environments with tech to facilitate our flows and "make the world our own". So, I love to enter productive and industrial realities to help with automatization and controlling issues. On the other hand, I appreciate the possibilities of abstract levels of analysis. Due to my background as a social and cultural scientist, I can't wait to get my hands on empirical data.

Cultural Data Science and Engineering

My future research will be dedicated to the way we retrieve data to create knowledge on how people act on a cultural level. How can we enlarge the computational tools and methods social scientists have at their disposal to find new hypotheses?


Language Proficiency(descending order) German, English, Italian, Persian, Spanish, French (Latin)

Programming and Microcontroller Projects (Java, Python)

Interface for Industry and Big Machines, Marine-Autopilot, Sensor-based Digital Music-Instrument.


Linux Engineering (Bash, SQL, Docker, Nginx)

Web-Hosting, Automatisation, Databases, Virtualising, Recovery, Hardware Consulting & Repair.

MA Computer Science (Ongoing)

Currently Researching on Cultural Data Science (R, Data Mining, IR).


Research Assistant University of Tübingen (until 2018)

Administration of Scientific Congresses, Preparation of Research Material, Personal Assistant of Head of Dep.

TO SFB-923

BA Anthropology and Philosophy

Final Research on Identity Construction Processes. Fieldwork in Iran.